Industries / Applications

Whether it’s about measuring technology, controlling technology or pressure sensors, at BC-TECH, we always develop all our products and solutions in close collaboration with our customers. We are committed to producing the best possible solutions with optimum performance. This means that customers can expect the highest of qualities from BC-TECH. On a global scale.

Gas and Oil Production

From the drilling platform via the oil tankers to the refinery, BC-TECH glass-to-metal feedthroughs are used at every stage of gas and oil production. Because they are robust and can withstand extreme environmental conditions.


From complex radar systems to space travel – the BC-TECH glass-to-metal feedthroughs provide reliable and safe solutions.


From complex radar systems to space travel – the BC-TECH glass-to-metal feedthroughs provide reliable and safe solutions.


BC-TECH glass-to-metal feedthroughs are used to control ventilators. The products can also be applied in dentistry, particularly in drilling and suction technology.


Both in the food industry and in chemical plants, precise quantities are vital.  BC-TECH offers reliable, sealed feedthroughs for exact measurements and control technology as well as for pressure sensors. We set the standard for everyone else.


Both in the food industry and in chemical plants, precise quantities are vital.  BC-TECH offers reliable, sealed feedthroughs for exact measurements and control technology as well as for pressure sensors. We set the standard for everyone else.

Vacuum Technology

Negative pressure is required to manufacture CDs, microchips and watches so that the necessary thin film can be applied.  BC-TECH glass-to-metal feedthroughs ensure that the optimum vacuum is produced at any time, thus guaranteeing smooth production processes.